Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What is Necessary

It's been a little over 2 years since Christopher Nolan concluded his Batman opus, so I thought it would be a good time to go back and pick apart just what made those films great. (and not so great)

So please, never forget to do What Is Necessary.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Tha Gaijin Odyssey

I recently visited Japan and discovered that its more than just tentacle porn and the toilets don't flush backwards. The Gaijin Odyssey is a complete recollection of my participation in the Kakehashi Project.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Inaugural Post

Here's the obligatory first post. w00t w00t!

With this entry, I'd like to kick off a feature called 'Terms I'd Like to Coin'. This is one I use quite often, as I suspect I have overactive bladder. Or something like that.

Pissy Fit   noun

: an uncontrollable stream of urine that keeps you returning to the bathroom over and over :

"After Joe took the Benedryls, his kidneys were forced into overdrive and sent him into an annoying pissy fit."


"I got caught in a pissy fit during rush hour traffic and had to urinate into three different empty water bottles."

Sometimes it hits you out of nowhere and you're trapped. Other times it keeps you from falling asleep. Every time...its a pain in the ass.